Shantui Janeoo concrete batching plant serves overseas housing construction
Recently, another overseas construction site came with good news: Shantui Janeoo E2H-75 concrete batching plant successfully completed the installation and commissioning, put into production, and applied to local housing construction. Shantui Janeoo E2H-75 concrete batching plant has a compact s...Read more -
Shantui Janeoo W3S-800 stabilized soil mixing plant applies to Leshan-Ziyang-Tongchuan highway construction
Recently, the W3S-800 stabilized soil mixing plant by Shantui Janeoo in Sichuan, has been successfully installed and put into commissioning, and will be applied to the construction of Leshan-Ziyang-Tongchuan Highway in the near future. Shantui Janeoo W3S-800 stabilized soil mixing station aggreg...Read more -
Shantui-janeoo concrete mixing plant serves overseas highway project construction
Recently, in the overseas construction site, two sets of E5R-090 concrete mixing plants of Shantui Jianyou have been installed and will soon help local highway project construction. Shantui-janeoo E5R concrete mixing plant has earned the trust of many professional customers due to its ult...Read more -
Helping to Divert the Yangtze River to Supplement the Hanjiang River project|Shantui Janeoo has set a new benchmark
Recently, at the construction site in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, Shantui Janeoo 2 sets of E3R-120 concrete batching plants were successfully installed and commissioned, adding a new weapon to the construction of the Yangtze River Supplement Project. Since the construction of the Yangtze R...Read more -
Продукция Shantui Janeoo помогает в строительстве проекта по перемещению железной дороги в Шендане
Недавно, после нескольких дней напряженной работы, 2 бетоносмесительных установки E5R-180 компании были успешно запущены в пробную эксплуатацию на строительной площадке в Шэньяне, провинция Ляонин, что помогло проекту перебазирования Shendan Railway достичь поэтапной победы. В течение этого пери...Read more -
Shantui Janeoo products help Shendan railway relocation project construction
Recently, after days of hard work, the company’s 2 E5R-180 concrete mixing plants have been successfully put into trial production at the construction site in Shenyang, Liaoning, helping the Shendan Railway relocation project to achieve a phased victory. During the period, due to the tight...Read more -
Продукция Shantui Janeoo помогает проекту Yelu скоростная автодорога
Недавно Shantui Janeoo 2 комплекта бетонных заводов E3R-120 были установлены в Пиндиншане, провинция Хэнань, и вступили в стадию ввода в эксплуатацию. В период установки в провинции Хэнань была высокая температура. Чтобы обеспечить прогресс проекта и качество строительства, персонал послепродажн...Read more -
Shantui Janeoo products help Yelu Expressway project
Recently, Shantui Janeoo 2 sets of E3R-120 concrete batching plants have been installed in Pingdingshan, Henan Province, and have entered the commissioning stage. During the installation period, it was the high temperature and summer weather in Henan. In order to ensure the project progress and ...Read more -
Продукция Shantui Janeoo помогает в строительстве скоростной автомагистрали Ханчжоу-Шаосин-Нинбо
Недавно Shantui Janeoo 1 комплект бетонного завода E5R-180 был успешно установлен и введен в эксплуатацию в Шаосине, провинция Чжэцзян, и успешно запущен в производство. Эта конструкция находится в «собачьем» сезоне. Климат в провинции Чжэцзян жаркий и влажный. Обслуживающий персонал по-прежнему...Read more -
Shantui Janeoo products assist the construction of Hangzhou-Shaoxing-Ningbo Expressway
Recently, Shantui Janeoo 1 set of E5R-180 concrete batching plant has been successfully installed and commissioned in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, and has been put into production successfully. This construction is in the “dog” season. The climate in Zhejiang is hot and humid. The service per...Read more -
Продукция Shantui Janeoo помогает в строительстве проекта реконструкции и расширения скоростной автомагистрали Дунцин.
Недавно 1 комплект E3R-120 и 1 комплект E5M-180 бетонного завода Shantui Janeoo были успешно завершены и доставлены заказчикам. Они будут использоваться в проекте реконструкции и расширения скоростной автомагистрали Дунъин-Цинчжоу (далее — скоростной автомагистрали Дунцин). В течение этого перио...Read more -
Shantui Janeoo products help the construction of Dongqing Expressway reconstruction and expansion project
Recently, 1 set of E3R-120 and 1 set of E5M-180 concrete batching plant of Shantui Janeoo have been successfully completed and delivered to customers. They will be used in the reconstruction and expansion project of Dongying-Qingzhou Expressway (hereinafter referred to as Dongqing Expressway). D...Read more