Shantui Janeoo ready-mix plants marched into the project of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games

Recently, Shantui Janeoo’s 2 sets of heavy-duty ready-mix plants stand at the 2022 Olympic Winter Games project construction site. Shantui Janeoo overcame the cold and hard condition, carefully developed the installation plan, and ultimately successfully completed installation, and successfully delivered to the use of iron customers for the Winter Olympics.

The Winter Games of 2022 is the first Olympic Winter Games hosted by our country, with great historical significance. The International Olympic Committee once again greeted Beijing, not only shows the steady development of China's economy, the continued social progress of confidence, but also held in Beijing in 2008 Summer Olympic Games again highly confirmed. China has become the ninth country to hold both the Olympic Games and the Olympic Games. Beijing has become the first city in the world to win the winter and summer Olympic Games.

Post time: Jun-27-2017